Friday, 23 December 2011


"tak tgk rupa, tgk hati"

hahaha, ni lahh benda paling muak aku dengar. sah sah nipu -,-
don't be a bloody idiot.
sure you go for the looks first.
she/he doesn't have to be perfectly gorgeous, just warm enough to melt you heart.
and then only you start to go for the heart whether good or bad
alah, jangan dok kelentong ah.
kalau lahh tak pandai bergaya, selekeh, gemuk
tapi hati SUCI
belum apa lagi pandang pun taknak.
tgk HATI konon -,-
tak semua org cantik di mata semua org kan ?
so people, please i'm begging stop making bullshits out of yourself

okay, sorry fellas, just telling you facts :)

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