Saturday, 31 December 2011

new year's eve

we just left 2011 not long ago.
don't let it fade away just like that.
make all of your 2011 history as your greatest memories.
some people are worried.
worries as their ages, looks, exams.
well, i don't.
just chill, have fun.

happy 2012 people :)

Friday, 30 December 2011


hello people :)
1st of all, i'm a proud starian
i'll be unofficially but still a form 5 in less than 24 hours.
its sad actually, tuhan je tau.
family ayah aku ngan future family aku je yg boleh challenge.
lain ? tarrakk !
sedikit penambahan, saya pengawas baru~ :)
ramai org kata, "ish, tak sabar ouh nk CUTI"
kalau aku, "haish, tak sabar ouh nk BALIK sekolah"
whats there to be ashamed of ? we're the mighty starians !
good news, prefect check in awal
so cepat la sikit hilang feeling rindu meroyan aku nih kat
Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman hebat awesome best legend and "100k others" aku ni.
mcm ouh aku belajar duduk sini.
i'll tell you story of me
about "before" and "after"

  • aku tak tidur kalau tak pasang air-cond
  • aku makan benda sedap je
  • org kutuk terus panas
  • kedekut GILA
  • aku boss
  • tak fikir sgt pun ayah senang or susah. tau paw je :)
  • mengalah ? jgn haraplahh -,-
  • guna myspace. tu pun proud habis :)
  • semua kerja bibik aku buat.
  • text awek guna bahasa rempit :D "saya awak" XD
  • suka bangga brg mahal (bangga dgn serious)
  • mandi bogel. HAHAHA :D
hahaha, tu je. aku takda lahh teruk mana -,-

  • boleh tidur dari pelbagai sudut - lantai, kelas, katil org :)
  • redha je lahh apa dining bagi.
  • org kutuk, kutuk balik
  • tak berkira sgt. tapi tgk org lahh. kalau mcm bade tu...
  • byk lagi org. takda bila ah nk layan aku je.
  • nk paw ayah aku tu, ada la jugak beragak
  • dah terer facebook :) blogging otw nk legend. belajar dari sifu amree ngan amsya
  • texting sekarang dah guna bahasa lelaki budiman :)
  • jgn poyo brg mahal. org pun benci nnt. bangga ada cara nya kan ?
  • kerja semua aku buat sendiri. siap baik sgt tlg senior lagi.
  • dah tak mandi bogel dah. tak bran aku. budak star gilaa -,-
hahaha, biasa nya people said to their friends mcm ni - thanks guys/girls you light my day
but starians - thanks guys, you light up my LIFE :)

Wednesday, 28 December 2011


weh, get a life
that means if you're still young or precisely a STUDENT,
go lahh have FUN
flirt girls ni, flirt boys tu.
what ? you wanna waste your time in silly relationship that even you know that not gonna last long.
mickey rourke - don't get to attached to things, learn to let go.
aku dah rela, casa pun casa lahh. i wouldn't bother.
if you feel lonely find someone. but remember, just for fun.
just for texting when you're bored.
its not like you'll die without the person,
you think god gave us air for what ?
so breath, enjoy !
come on, you think we're living in a fairytale ?
life doesn't work that way
i'm tired of chasing around, 
there's still tons of girls out there, why so stupid ?
euww, please lahh jgn ckp2 pasal "love forever2" nih.
err, derr. how old are you ?
tau pun -,-
do enjoy your life,
because there's no turning back when you meet "the one"
like they said, the right one doesn't kicks in first :)
one day you're going to get married, have kids, a family.
you think by then your life will be the same ?
i don't think so.
it may makes you much more happier 
but its still not the same when you're livin' it SOLO.

remember - you only live once, if you do it right, once is enough :)

Tuesday, 27 December 2011

tragedy at RPGC


after swimming
i met a girl
she seems nice
i didn't talk to her
my little sister ran into her
when i was there to fetch her back
the girl, she looked at me and :)
woah, kinda cute though
i heard their family discussion
she's 16, just like me. ;)
suddenly iqbal called
and then i went to a table a little bit far form my family
to answer his call
while talking to iqbal
god makes miracle, she was coming towards me.
haha, perasan ! rupa rupa nya dy nk pergi kat meja selang satu meja aku.
i was greatly self emmbarassed -,-
well, she also got a phone call to answer.
when i finished calling, she did too.
and i then takkan aku nk blah, lepak2 dulu.
i took a glance at her and wow she's beautiful
few times glanced sure lahh kantoi -,-
but then i thought she should be making this weird faces
knowing that i'm checking her out.
instead she SMILED !
aku pun apa lagi, SMILE balik.
i got two options
a) don't be dumb, get to know her
b) be dumb, smile and then get back to family table
simple actions, tough making choice.
unfortunately, "b" is exactly what i did :(
segan lahh, korg apa tau -,-
and that makes me feel that my stupidity was at it's highest
chill, her father is a club member
surely dy selalu pergi sana.
next time it'll be "a"

congratulations idiot,
she was smoking hot and you didn't ask her number
haish, how on earth did i choose "b" ? -,-

Sunday, 25 December 2011

Friday, 23 December 2011


"tak tgk rupa, tgk hati"

hahaha, ni lahh benda paling muak aku dengar. sah sah nipu -,-
don't be a bloody idiot.
sure you go for the looks first.
she/he doesn't have to be perfectly gorgeous, just warm enough to melt you heart.
and then only you start to go for the heart whether good or bad
alah, jangan dok kelentong ah.
kalau lahh tak pandai bergaya, selekeh, gemuk
tapi hati SUCI
belum apa lagi pandang pun taknak.
tgk HATI konon -,-
tak semua org cantik di mata semua org kan ?
so people, please i'm begging stop making bullshits out of yourself

okay, sorry fellas, just telling you facts :)
would you risk it for me ?
i don't think so.
we're still good
but not better.
i still care
i just don't love.
i'm sorry.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Kuala Lumpur

kids, nowadays lepak KL aje -,-
"jom ah turun KL", "lepak KL jom"
cuba laa pavi tu ada kat perak, ate nk kome datang ?
hahaha, aku pun suka jugak sebenarnya lepak KL nih, meriah !
takda laa suram jaa -,-
tapi heran, asal KL. penang ada queensbay what ? pun best jugak.
by the way, gambar atas ni semua aku ambil, style kan ;')
haha, ciao KL.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

awesome guys

dear oviians,
as friends, theres nobody better than every each one of you guys. i mean it. awek ? tak setanding sikit pun ngan korang. aku je bodoh. lupa, susah senang korg juga yg ada :) boring ? ada iqbal nk kacau. escape ? balau teman. apa lagi nk ? korg mmg ah terbaik. belum lagi la ada benda boleh curi aku dari korg. isteri je lahh kot :) tapi lambat lagi. jealous kadang2 aku usha old boys. dh tua, married, kerja, tapi still OBW. haih. kadang2 tu terasa jugak lahh bila member kata "pergi ahh layan awek kau". mmg la dyorg saja je usik aku, tapi 'terkena' jugak lah sbb terasa mcm aku tak layan dyorg. aku tak sengaja lahh guys, sorry :( orang lain pun texting, calling2 jugak, tapi takda lahh mcm aku, 'over'. haha, aku sedar kott :) dah 4 generation fivers gone. next year turn kita pulak :( very sedih. OBW kita kasi hebat tau. kalau member aku asre dy akan ckp awesome. haha. rugi rasa nya dulu aku cari 'teman' padahal depan mata aku je, ovii <3

so guys, a limitless apologies from HAZIQ :)


is it true ?

i know this is :)

haha, aku jumpa kat internet. 
kind of funny, so aku rasa mcm menarik je
sorry lah, tak jumpa pasal guys :'(

Friday, 16 December 2011

its the same

you smoke because it looks cool ?

its just a slower process of this :)

dah lahh, don't smoke. tak macho derr -,-

kau bukan legend ke haziq ?

come on lah haziq, kata legend. lek chill, pasni aku happy jaa :)
takda lahh pasni korg usha post aku jiwang2.
semua post aku gempaq2 je.
yeah !

hard work !

all you need is hard work HAZIQ, and you'll get there. amin~ :)

could've been better -,-

duhh, rugi start main lambat. f4 baru nk start -,- kalau tak dah legend dah.
chill, me got passion. nnt power lahh :)

Thursday, 15 December 2011


hey, i'm sorry. it'll be the last effort i give. i give up :)

just once :)

haha, most people kan sure ada punya something yg dyorg tak pernah rasa. tak pernah disayangi, loved, blablabla. aku pun ada gak. aku tak pernah rasa what it feels like to be APPRICIATED. you know, sometimes tu kan aku nk jugak be somebody. kalau jadi aku siapa je nk pandang. haih. mesti hebat kan rasa dihargai tu. aku effort lahh mcm mana pun but still people thinks i'm doing nothing. certain people tu syukur, tapi taknak ckp sbb nk tgk lagi effort aku. adoyai, berat sgt ke mulut ? kalau "thank you" tu panjang sgt, "thanks" pun jadi lahh.

just once jee aku nk rasa feeling tu, someday la eh ? :)

yeah !

Kobe Bryant
LA Lakers

oh man, you got no idea how i love this sport. girls ? tak setanding langsung dgn basketball -,- haha, puji2 sport ni mesti lahh sbb aku main. tu haa, atas tu laa role model aku. he's fast, he can dunk, he can shoot, he can drive. pehh, ultimate player bhai. bila org tanya aku main apa semua pelik aku ckp main basketball. nk buat mcm mana kan ? haha :D

-its all about passion-
-kobe bryant-

fun eh ?

girls jaa asyik ckp guys jahat. guys mainkan perasaan girls, guys this, guy that. haish, ever thought why they did it tak ? i'm not saying girls umum semua jahat, taakk. it just that, accept the consequences lahh you girls choose the guy. what ? girls baik sgt eh sampai guys got to take the heat ? girls tak pernah take guys for granted ? girls boleh jaa reject guys easily sbb takda feel, so tak fair ke guys reject girls sbb takda feel ? totally bullshit lahh kalau mcm tu. fun eh wacthing guys crawling over you girls ? fun eh wathcing guys effort for nothing ? whos giving false hope to who ? you don't have to say yes, just instantly say no.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

random story

guys, it'll be menipu lahh kalau aku kata aku ni solo jaa sepanjang 16 tahun aku hidup nih. well, it just that makin dh besar ni. feeling tu kuat lahh sikit. okay mcm ni. aku actually ada lahh usha sorg awek ni. dy budak asrama sama mcm aku, matching kan hahaha :) tak sangka lak boleh sangkut -,- haha. aku tak kenal lgsg pun dy sebenarnya. tapi member aku kenal member dy. so, setiap kali aku jumpa member aku ni jaa, aku mesti tanya2 skit pasal awek idaman aku nih. haha, dy tak tau yg aku berharap sebenarnya. and then kan, entah mcm mana aku kenal bedmate dy. pehh, mcm besar pulak hati aku ni. seronok punya hal lahh. sikit2 aku tanya pasal awek aku ni. ye lahh, kena la ready. takkan 1st impression dh buat cacat -,- so kira mcm study dy dulu lahh. and then satu hari ni aku dh tak tahan, aku ckp kat bedmate dy nih, yg aku nk kenal ngan dy. aku add facebook dy, pastu aku mintak nombor dy. dapat bhai ! legend tak legend arr. tapi kan.. rupa rupanya dy dh tau aku asyik tanya pasal dy. duhh -,- masa tu cuti pendek so dy selalu la on phone. hari2 aku text dy :) mmg ah dy respond mcm apa je, tapi siapa suruh jatuh hati ? padan muka. korg tak tau apa feeling bila kau try buat lawak dy tak gelak, kau dh buat terbaik tapi dy still tak layan kau. takpa, aku ni kan kental. aku sabar. and then cuti nk habis, time sekolah dy tak on phone. so last night tu aku kata laa kalau on phone cuti ke apa nnt text lahh aku. dy reply "tgk ah". haha, takpe, aku dh biasa kena mcm tu. tiap2 mlm aku call bedmate dy tanya pasal dy tapi dy tak tau. aku tak tau ahh dy saja jual mahal ke apa. tapi aku tak kisah, aku effort jaa. haha. syok sendiri kan ? aku ni basketball player, so ada upcoming tournament antara asrama kat seremban. sekolah dy pun msk. tapi dy tak main lahh. so biasa nyaa ni lahh time nk pass something.
lagi dua hari nk tournament aku happah pun tak beli lagi. biasa ahh lelaki. last minute baru kelam kabut :)
esok nya tak boleh sbb ada training. so aku pun ajak ahh member karib aku 'terbang' pergi jusco. haih. aku beli rocher32 utk dy pastu gi makan kat kfc. nasib member aku tegur, takda balut ke ? gila tak romantic. -,- yelah aku pun pergi s&j wrapping and ribbon bagai. tiba hari tournament. ni maybe lahh korg igt kerja bodo, tapi aku pegang rocher tu sepanjang perjalanan bhai. ye laa, tak jatuh kotor pecah ke apa okay skip cerita, sampai satu mlm ni ada briefing semua sekolah kena dtg. so time ni la aku bawak rocher aku tuh. and then aku nmpk member dy nih. so aku tegur lahh. blablabla, aku bg rocher aku suruh dy bagi kat awek aku ni :) and then bila tournament tu habis semua sekolah balik. sampai jaa sekolah aku pegang phone aku, tggu bila laa dy nk ckp thank you nih. dh lama sgt tggu aku text ah member dy nih tanya dy dh pass lum rocher aku or dy kebas. dy ckp dh lama dh. aku pun pelik ahh. so aku text dy, 'dh dapat belum ?' dy kata 'dh lama dh, thank you'. aku mmg ah takde mengharap sgt dari dy, at least thank you pun biarlah nmpk mcm betul2 'thank you'. bila aku tanya suka tak dy kata 'okay'. haha, tipu lahh kan kalau aku kata aku tak kecik hati. haih. dy kata kat member dy aku ni CASA. tapi takpa, aku takkan percaya until i get proof. and then one day nih member dy tunjuk apa dy kata. in the text it says like this "aku rasa dy casa, malas ahh layan dy". haha, feel it yourself if you were me :) nk buat mcm mana. lama2 aku pun mcm sedar diri, so aku back-off laa. tapi tak makna aku suka org lain. soon aku dpt tau dy baik ngan member aku. would be called lying again lahh kalau aku kata tak jealous. member aku cerita je, sbb dy igt aku mmg takda pape dh ngan dy. member punya hal takpe lahh. aku just jealous sbb shes done things dgn member aku ni things yg dy tak pernah buat ngan aku.
tapi dy kata sekarang dyorg dh takda pape. mmg lahh dy kata 'its nothing'. well try be me :) kadang2 tu termenung jugak lahh kan. heee, tapi takda lahh nangis. now kan, aku mcm baik balik ngan dy, but things were never the same back then. tapi suka tu still ada lahh sikit. try ngorat sikit2, hehe. but still aku syok sendiri. maybe i'll get over you someday. haha, suka org yg tak suka kita. but i never regret all my efforts, i going to regret if i didn't :)

seriously random story by,

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

i'll get it

RM 459.90
adoyai, haih. don't worry, you'll be mine :)

Monday, 12 December 2011

young people :)

eh hello, we're still young young lahh. have fun lahh banyak2. masalah ? eh, come on lahh derr. usually "she hurts me" lahh ,"i can't live without him" lahh ,"i tak boleh lupa dia" lahh. adoyai, tua2 nnt laa fikir benda nih. haih. break your heart once or twice, won't kill ya'. if suka sgt, go for it, but don't be the one crying when it ends -,- there's a lot of things lagi yang ada kat dunia nih. so chill lahh :D

we're still young to be having problems, enjoy being young people :)

Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman

live it. love it.
here where legends were born.

Newbie -.-

oy, this is me 1st time posting :)