Friday, 16 March 2012

enough is enough

in this holiday, i'm pretty sure ni last post aku.
lain lahh tetiba ada awek maki hamun aku kejap lagi.
straight away laa ada post baru :)
if not, this is it.
well, all i'm saying is cukup2 lahh tu main, enjoy, lepak.
you're not getting any younger.
so aku rasa dah form5 ni, semua benda aku nk buat 200%
if any mistakes i made offended you.
i'm sorry.
i truly am, its just that i have a bad way of expressing it -,-
i wanna start clean & new
oh yeah, i'm not saying this because i'm a fivers.
i'm saying this i reached my limit and i realised it.
so, know your limit guys and girls.
trust me, you don't wanna end up regretting in 10 years time :)

so, thats about it.
hope to post again.
bye, have fun at school.

Wednesday, 14 March 2012

adik angkat

adik angkat :)

first of all, don't get me wrong.
this here is aku punya adik angkat.
after reading my blog, dy kata nk masuk dlm blog ni.
so, why not. ni je yg i mampu farr :(
aku kenal dy time HKSBP ke-38.
macam mana boleh baik pun aku taktau.

-farr :)
-Tunku Kurshiah College
-taken. sorry dudes, you're late :P

she's a great friend.
bila dy ada problems, bukan aku taknak tolong.
err, dah nama pun "guys", bukan reti sgt nk pujuk2 ni.
tapi kawan kan ? cari jugak la jalan.
aku ni bukan la sumber happiness dy ke apa,
just contributing :)
sembang ngan dy cool gilaa. chill jaa.
so, its 4 o' clock and ini je yg i mampu farr.
so guys, if you do met her somewhere,
do yourself a favour by saying "HI" to this magnificent person.
i'm sleepy and my eyes are getting heavy.

thats all, bye :)

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

holiday (1)

fuhh, sekian lama menunggu.
cuti juga akhirnya.
blog ni pun dh dah basi ngan post lama.
lama dah rasanya tak balik rumah.
ni semua because of SPM.
kalau tahun ni form4 mmg tak la nk stay.
class tak class, ciao ajaa.
hahaha, okay guys.
there's a lot of things yg aku nk luah kan.
but in this post (not right now).
so, update later :)